Solar Domestic Hot Water Heating

Solar domestic hot water heating systems are a cost-effective way to produce hot water for houses and other facilities. With small and immediately installed systems, hot water can be used as soon as possible and no other energy sources are needed. For larger systems, you can warm up the domestic hot water heaters and heat up the larger-scale facilities.

How Do Solar Water Heaters Work?

Includes solar water heating systems, storage tanks, and solar collectors. There are two types of water heater system:

1- Active Solar Energy Heating Systems


Circulation pumps collect water from collectors and house. It is used in climates where water is rarely frozen.


Pumps circulate water through collectors and heat exchanger. It is preferred in climates where water is more likely to freeze.

2- Passive Solar Heating Systems

Passive solar water heating systems are typically cheaper than active systems but may not be as efficient as active systems.


They work well in places where the best temperatures rarely fall below freezing degrees and homes needed hot water in evenings.


Cold water sinks and hot water rises. The collector is mounted under the storage tank to send the rising and running hot water to the storage. These systems are reliable, but contractors should pay attention to the roof design due to heavy storage tanks.

Storage Tanks and Solar Collectors

Most solar water heaters require a well-insulated storage tank. The solar storage tanks have an additional outlet and inlet connected to the collector and the collector. They can have two tanks or one tank. This is determined by the hot water capacity and time required by the system.

Solar water heating systems almost always require a backup system for cloudy days and increased demand times. Traditional storage water heaters usually provide backups and can already be part of the solar system package. A backup system can also be part of a solar collector, such as roof tanks with thermosiphon systems. In addition to collecting solar heat, an integrated collector storage system can be packaged with a tankless or demand-type water heater for backup, since it already stores hot water.


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